
Sunday, October 23, 2011


Brothers and Sisters, are we gonna let greedy management of Conway destroy our family? Family of Conway that's worked for almost a quarter of a century.
Greedy management are destroying the seniority roster, for cheaper wages, to hired young blood from the neck down.
We are seeing our brothers getting fired, for unjustified issues that don't relate to our corporate policy, just so management doesn't get their wages cut.
They are taking it out on you, stand up for your Rights!!!
Organize now!


Anonymous said...

Hell yes, this is exactly what we need y'all, we need to organize and stop letting these bastards running our family and friends out of here, stop believing the fascist lies they're giving y'all, don't let there greed, lies and tricks dissuade us from organizing and stand up to these corporate fat cats that love to leech of our blood and sweat that we have provided them for so many years of loyal support

Dick Vader said...

Victor Cruz & Ryan Gibson are Paul Styers Rats,running family's and friends.soon S.C.M. Paul Styers at ULX will get rid of them to as well !!! They well be looking for a job too.

Robby said...

My understanding, Victor Cruz and Ryan Gibson are acting as union-buster agents for the company. They could be in trouble for Spying and exchanging information for overtime or incentive gifts, they are violating the National Labor Relations Act. If this is occurring, you must create a petition and have everybody sign petition, and then file a compliant to the National Labor Relation Board.

Anonymous said...

Dear Conway Brothers and Sisters if we become Teamsters we will have Unity and could stand up to those out of control managers and supervisors..I don't hide behind anybody and after we vote the union in we will do things together as a Bargining unit and it will all be in form of a Contract!! where management will follow the same rules we follow and not make up things as they go along. From conway workers trying to better there lives...