Monday, September 1, 2014

Heartless Conway stealing unemployment benefits

A few months ago an older lady that had worked for Conway for several years got fired.  As you can imagine, she is struggling to make ends meet, so she goes to file unemployment.  This little bit of support will keep her going while she goes and searches for a new job. In today’s economy it’s tough to find a decent job, but at her age, doubly hard.  She is a baby boomer, a senior citizen, it could be your parent and grandparent that needed help. And what happens… HR goes and represents themselves at her unemployment hearing, and gets her denied!  They come back from the hearing arrogant and bragging, saying they never lose a case.   How do they do that, they give multiple write ups and form a paper trail; all under the disguise of re-training and re-coaching.  They don’t intend to help you, you are just a number and will be one of their “cases they never lose”!  All this documentation is there to use in court, to discredit your character, habits, decision making.  Supervisors are being pushed to write people up for anything so they can have a paper trail to use against you.  There is no faithfulness or loyalty to you, no heart for your situation. What happened to her isn’t right, and will keep happening, if we let it


  1. After firing her what would they gain from stealing her rights/benefits? "LEAN" I thought this program was about respect. But I guess all they preach is a bunch of lies. Their name truly defines them. "CON" their "WAY" into manipulating you.

  2. Do not believe the lies tom Clark is telling you about Penn yan express or conway central, the teamsters didn't come us, we went to the teamsters to ask them to represent the majority of the employees in laredo and other terminals. We're not going on strike that's a big lie from tom Clark. We're not alone in laredo there are more terminals announcing for union election. It's coming guys within a week

  3. They have stolen from all of us when they took are hard earned vacation time from us.

  4. so true on the vacation time to help them out of the hole they dug for themselves what did we get in return a slap in the face
