Thursday, August 28, 2014

Facts About Strikes

As a vote approaches in Laredo, the company is telling workers that if they go on strike they can't collect unemployment, food stamps, or any other social services. These are lies and as the vote keeps getting closer they will find other lies to try and scare employees into voting the union down. Don't be fooled! Think about why they are fighting so hard to keep us from unionizing. They don't care about us, the only thing companies like to care about is money. The union will restrict them from stealing from us, from abusing us, and from intimidating us. This is about money and power. They don't want to have to answer to anyone. Let's stand strong in Laredo and show them that the old Conway policies stop now! We are not alone in Laredo, other terminals are on the brink of filing petitions with the NLRB to vote. We are getting closer to getting the union in!


  1. That's what the union is about too, money and power. Stop paying union dues and see what happens.

  2. I'd rather pay union dues than $68.00 a week insurance. Union dues only paid by the month and they're less than $60.00. Do the math.

  3. Conway has got their self in a world of trouble. Work with your staff and union would not even be a question. When staff is ignored repeatedly this is the ending results. I have read all comments and saw videos, and there is no way in hell I would work a company like this. These people are totally arrogant, and could less for any of you. I advise all of you at Conway to vote union, unless you are willing to deal with this your entire careers.
