Thursday, December 8, 2011

wall streets failed 1934 coup


  1. The 1% that control America now are the new Royalist, they are the new generation that are going to make Americans into slaves...if anybody ever had read, The Grapes Of Wrath, you'll know what I am talking about.

  2. Its time go back to our basics. Like our great grand fathers days and organize. For our country needs us bad. Because our warehouses jobs are giving to illegals so those greety sob ceos wont pay benefits and good wages. Look in texas now we have mexican truck drivers let to texas without pay toll road taxes for using our hwys. All was possible by our former governor bush and govrn.perry who wants to be our next pres. what they call the good old boys republicans. Its your choice to take back america. They illegals are heading your way and thats why the republicans want us not to be organized so,they can make us a right to work states like here in texas to hire. Look what happened in Wisconsin. You be the judge. We organize for our future and for our families too. Nuff said.

  3. Now slaves still exist in texas with low wages illegals working our mc donalds restraunts and construction sites instead of hard working mid class Americans who pay taxes. What im talking about is yes im spanish my parents came the right way and paid their taxes every yr. But, one year my dad was layed-off for one day due to the any being bought. The new company called and told my dad . That he can work but would have to start at a min. wage 7.80 an hour not 18.00 for those 28 hard working years he put in at the mill plant with no benefits and yes illegals working for some sob ceo who only cares for numbers and money. My dad had finally realized what union Americans fight for. God Bless, all our union members. A TRUE AMERICAN STORY. ESPECIALLY UNION FIRE FIGHTERS IN NYC.

  4. Don't go to Waco,tx little service terminal its like white powder everyday you come out dirty all the time . Managers don't care about the drivers condition for a customer being white dust dirty. this is everyday . Im mean you will come out dirty. If the ceo's of conway really care places like waco,tx. They would take care the serious problem. It looks like white snow. The tractors always dirty. But no they dont want to dirty there new 300.00 shoes or suite.

  5. CF driver and a conway slave.December 16, 2011 at 12:36 PM

    It almost sounds like the way those big Cf bosses closed them down and brought in cheaper labor and no pension.It was a shame what they did to CF and now they are trying to do it to US at Conway..Work hard be loyal and as you get old and slow or talk back we can get rid of your asses..

  6. Wake up Texas memo to all Corporate does not CARE.. all they care about is Profits for THEMSELFS.. and they don't Share

  7. Speak up new york conway drivers
