Monday, October 24, 2011

The Texas Watch Dog Group!!

Welcome Brothers and Sisters of the Great state of Texas calling out all you hardworking employees of LDA "Dallas" LSX 'San Antonio' LTX 'Austin' LHW 'Houston' LLA 'Laredo' LEP 'El Paso' LTY "Tyler" LWA "Waco" LGT "Garland" LWF "Fort Worth " LAB "Abiliene" AMA 'Amarillo' The time Has come to Organize! and tell Conway No More!!! Save your Bullshit!! the Texas watchdog group is watching and reporting all your moves Whiteshirts and Terminal Managers.


  1. I am glad that all Conway employees from all states are finally aligning together.
    That everybody finally seeing the light to organize now.
    Thank you for putting this website.

  2. it's about time the south state are waking to see to the truth of conway. it's time, lets not waste time for for these greedy ceo's who leave the company with our money and leave us hanging with pennies to feed our families. Working for them over 14 hours. While they are playing GOLF!!!!!!!!!!With new Fords!!!!!!!too. AMERICA CONWAY DRIVERS WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!!FOR THEM WE ARE ONLY NUMBERS AND GUARANTEE BONUS'S. BUT FOR OUR FAMILIES!!!WE ARE THERE THE BREAD MAKERS AND SOME NEWS SHOWS FOR OUR KIDS!!!!!!!!!IT'S A JOKE TO THEM BUT NOT FOR ME OR YOU!!!!!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Welcome Texas hope to hear from you soon from the state Oregon Portland waiting to see what happens

  5. Don't be afraid to tell on your bosses corporate is reafing whats going on and will make changes just to keep it theres

  6. What happens if you miss a days of work for your kids being sick or personal business? does conway pay sick days and if so can you take them with out any harassment.Just wondering at ABF we get to take our sick days when ever we want without any Questions...we get 5 days a year..

  7. we are tired of our lda personal mr. mader in personal all he cares is eating and getting fat in his desk. and firing people for being one second and lying to us to much that you cannot say nthing at all. if your are right you are still wrong. we get treated wrongly that no manager cares like our service manager todd. until somebody gets hurt. it's time to organize let's not any longer until the fat man sings.

  8. we are tired of our lda personal mr. mader in personal all he cares is eating and getting fat in his desk. and firing people for being one second and lying to us to much that you cannot say nthing at all. if your are right you are still wrong. we get treated wrongly that no manager cares like our service manager todd. until somebody gets hurt. it's time to organize let's not any longer until the fat man sings.
