Sunday, February 24, 2013

Southern California Organizing Drive Heating Up

Here’s a comment from one of our workers at the Santa Fe Springs terminal, it shows the right frame of mind that every one of us should be in: 

“I work for Conway at the Santa Fe Springs terminal and the way they treat people there, it seems like modern day slavery. It’s ridiculous how the workers let the company get away with it. We live in America! We need to get together and become Teamsters! Then we’ll show them.”

All of our terminals in Southern California should be ready to mobilize and begin this organizing campaign. We need to recruit all of the terminals and strike fear into management to let them know that this union movement is for real. We should all be ready for a fight to get what we deserve. We deserve a better wage, affordable and better health benefits, a pension, job security, and a voice on the job. This is the only way to eliminate wage theft and favoritism. We will let our seniority decide what routes we will take instead of letting it depend on the mood of a supervisor. If our equipment is unsafe or if the freight is not loaded in a safe manner then we can speak up without fear of retaliation or being terminated. We decide what is safe.
If you’re undecided or need more information about this campaign contact your committee leader at your terminal or a union organizer at Teamsters Local 952 and they will help you understand why the union is the only way to get what we need.

Teamsters Local 952
(714) 740-6200